Client Mood Board: Elegant & Neutral


Though I haven't had much to show recently in the way of client work, I actually have a lot going on behind the scenes including a few web branding projects, as well as some work for a couple small businesses. I've been enjoying staying busy with my mind always abuzz with new ideas. One of the fun parts for me about running a design business is developing and continually refining my client/work process. I've also been more intentionally keeping track of the time I spend related to work, and since my time is so limited I'm always looking for ways to improve efficiency.

I've often noticed that while someone may not have much of an opinion about what she wants in a design when she first  contacts me, there's always a lot to be said as soon as I provide something for a client to visually respond to. If the first thing I send is something I've spend many hours refining, I can lose a bit of time if a new direction is needed. Because of this, I recently introduced a mood/inspiration board to my process for branding projects. After my client fills in the branding workbook and I've made sure I have an idea of what she is hoping to achieve with her new branding, I pull from multiple sources of inspiration to create a cohesive mood board that conveys a specific tone, aesthetic, and color scheme based on what I've learned from the client. This allows both me and the client to visualize how the identity will be shaped, and gives us a conversation piece to redirect if needed before too much time has been invested in the actual design process.

Mood Board: Elegant & Neutral by Nikkita Cohoon

Image sources from left to right and top to bottom:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

This writer wants a neutral and elegant look that will work well with both the cover of her forthcoming short story collection, as well as fit the tone and look of any future publications. She is drawn to the color green as it relates to nature, the tree of life, and freshness and vibrancy, and this ties into her writing too.

This is my first mood board created for a client, and I'm very excited to begin creating her brand collaterals soon. I'll share more of her story once her website is live.

What have you added to your process recently that's made your work more effective?

Are you a creative professional in need of a website or branding upgrade that matches your artistic vision? Contact me to see how we can collaborate.


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