5 Things to Do When Planning Your Season or Quarter

How to plan with intention in life and business | Seasonal and Quarterly Planner Guide

While I’m all for yearly planning, sticking to your goals and staying true to your vision works better when you check in regularly. Planning each quarter (or season if you prefer, like I do!) allows you to set manageable goals in a reasonable timeframe. Try some of the techniques here so you can have a productive season without the overwhelm of not knowing what to do or filling your time too heavily.

Look back before you look forward

During times of change and transition, it can be easy to be so focused on the future and what’s next that we forget to consider where we’re coming from. It’s helpful to take stock of things as they are, as well as to look back on what you’ve already experienced, evaluate what there is to learn from it, and think about what you will (or won’t) carry forward.

You can download Ritual Morning Studio’s FREE seasonal planning guide by subscribing below to make the most of these tips and plan for the new season. Though the guide refers to seasons, you can also use it for quarterly planning.

Celebrate progress

Just as we can’t look to the future without first acknowledging the past, it’s important not to set new goals without recognizing what we’ve already achieved. Whether you simply take a moment to reflect or mark your achievements with a personal or community celebration, you’ll find you keep your energy and momentum more readily if you’re taking the time to recognize your progress.

Set an intention

In everything we do, it’s important to stay in tune with why we’re doing it. Are you striving towards something or setting a goal because it’s something you think you should do, or does it align with what matters most to you? As you plan for the season, think about what your greater focus or intention will be for this time, and make sure the things you welcome in and work toward are part of that.

Break big goals down into manageable tasks

One benefit of planning seasonally is that it is a good amount of time to get something done without being so far off into the future that you fall into the trap of squeezing too much in. As you clarify your goals for the season, think about how they will break down across months, weeks, and even days. Knowing the small steps you can take to keep moving forward will help you make consistent progress.

Check in regularly

A big part of planning with intention is setting meaningful and realistic goals. And a big part of staying in tune with your vision is by reviewing what you’ve planned for yourself regularly. If you set goals for the year, checking in as the seasons change will allow you not to lose sight of them, and give you a chance to evaluate with enough time to have made meaningful progress, but not so much time that you feel lost if something isn’t working. It’s natural that some of the things you plan may not work out over time, or maybe you’ll realize something you thought mattered doesn’t. Keeping your goals on hand or in sight will allow you to remember what you’ve planned and make sure you’re moving in the right direction.

I'd love to know if you find any of these tips and techniques useful, as well as any that you've tried that are working for you!

Don’t forget to download your free seasonal / quarterly planning from my content library!

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Quarterly Planner Download Freebie Printable from Nikkita Cohoon at Ritual Morning Studio | ritualmorningstudio.com

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